Bethesda Baptist Church Logo

Bethesda Baptist Church Logo

Monday, May 30, 2011

"I Am Going to Him": A Sermon Outline for Sunday, May 29, 2011

I Am Going to Him
John 7:32-36

Proposition:  Each of us can see, in Jesus' words, the plan God has for our lives.

Transition:  Let us examine His plan for our life by considering 3 aspects of that plan.

I.  God's Plan Involves Earthly Life

   A.  Our Earthly Life Ends
      1.  It will end because of sin.
      2.  It will end for all.
   B.  Our Earthly Life is Brief
   C.  Our Earthly Life is Ordained
      1.  For some, it is God's wrath.
      2.  For some, it is God's glory.

II.  God's Plan Involves Heavenly Life

   A.  Death is NOT the End of Life
   B.  Christ's Followers Follow Him to the Father
   C.  Heavenly Life will be a Perpetual Life
   D.  Heavenly Life will be a Blissful Life

III.  God's Plan Involves Hopeless Life

   A.  It is a Hopeless Life for It Fails to Find Christ
      1.  The World Seeks a Messiah
      2.  The World Never Finds Such a Savior
   B.  It is a Hopeless Life for It Fails to Find Heaven
      1.  The World Lacks the Power to Come
      2.  The World Cannot have Eternal Peace

Friday, May 27, 2011

Solid Christian Literature and Its Free!

I would encourage you to point your browser at the Chapel Library website here.  Pull down on "Free Grace Broadcaster" and then "Subscriptions".  For years I have received this free quartely publication containing various articles from different writers on a specific quarterly subject.  In fact, I have made most of those publications available to the Bethesda family, free for the taking.

Furthermore, with each quarterly edition, you will receive a free quarterly offer.  By simply filling out the form in the letter accompanying your quarterly and sending it to Chapel Library (ok, it does cost you a stamp!), you will receive whatever that quarter's free offer contains.  For example, the most recent free offer has:

  • a large booklet by Edward Lawrence on parents and ungodly children
  • two small booklets, one is Gadsby's Hymns and the other "The Method of Grace" by George Whitefield
  • Plus two tracts, one by Walter Isenhour and the other by A. W. Pink
These will be mailed to you absolutely free. 

So, if you are looking for some good, solid Biblical literature and minimal cost, this is for you!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 Services are Canceled

Bethesda family,

Given the weather we are having at this moment plus what is expected for the next several hours, we are canceling our Wednesday evening services (May 25).  PLEASE stay inside and keep safe.

May the Lord watch over each of us this evening.

Pastor Bruce

Joplin Relief Help

 I just received the following note from Jim Breeden, Executive Director of the St. Louis Metro Baptist Association:

By now you know about the devastation in the Joplin area because of the recent Tornados.  Missouri Disaster Relief is working with churches and other organizations in the area to provide support at this time.  Please inform your church about the ways listed below that they can get involved in.

DONATIONS - First Baptist Church of St. Charles will be filling a Tractor Trailer of supplies starting tomorrow (Thursday, May 26th).  This trailer will be going down to Joplin on Sunday. Below is a list of the items that are needed.
  • Baby cereal
  • Baby food
  • Baby formula - liquid ready to eat, NOT the powder or concentrate that has to be mixed
  • Baby wipes
  • Batteries
  • Blankets
  • Bottled water or Gatorade
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Contact lens supplies
  • Deodorant
  • Diapers
  • Feminine hygiene needs
  • Flashlights
  • Food - ready to eat items such as canned meats, NOT anything that has to be cooked or heated
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Large storage containers
  • Leather gloves
  • Medical supplies
  • Non-perishable snacks and breakfast items (granola and meal bars, peanut butter crackers, snack crackers, poptarts, etc)
  • Packages of socks
  • Soap
  • Toiletries
  • Toothpaste & toothbrushes
  • Underwear for men and women
  • Wash cloths 


DISASTER RELIEF TEAM - We will be taking the Disaster Relief trailer to Joplin on Sunday Afternoon/Evening.  Volunteers are needed for clean up work.  We will be staying in a local church and meals will be provided. Please contact me at or on my cell phone at 314-749-4989. You can also contact Doug Elders at 636-209-7076. Please do not go to Joplin on your own without contacting someone working with Disaster Relief.
Jim Breeden
Executive Director
St. Louis Metro Baptist Association
3859 Fee Fee Road
Bridgeton, MO 63044
314-571-7579 Office
314-749-7989 Cell
314-571-7521 Fax

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Vacation Bible School 2011

For a number of reasons, Bethesda Baptist Church will not be hosting a Vacation Bible School in 2011.  VBS is always a fun time for children and, hopefully, a learning time as well.  I have been involved in Vacation Bible Schools in one way or another for over 20 years and I will miss not having one at our church facility this year.

Nevertheless, there are several local Baptist churches having VBS this summer.  If you are interested in sending your children (or inviting some friends' children) to one, I will recommend our former church, Highland View Baptist Church at 3220 Droste Road in St. Charles.  Their VBS will begin on Sunday evening, June 12 and run through Thursday evening, June 16.  Each evening the school will begin at 6:00 p.m. and last to either 8:30 or 9. 

For more information, you may contact HVBC at 636-723-0500.

Monday, May 23, 2011

"I Know Him": A Sermon Outline for Sunday, May 22, 2011

"I Know Him"
John 7:25-31

To know Jesus is to know God.  To know God is to know Jesus.
To worship Jesus is to worship God.  To worship God is to worship Jesus.

Proposition: Let us be absolutely certain we know Jesus, the Messiah, God in the flesh, sent by the Father on a mission of mercy.

Transition: Consider this truth in 2 observations from our text.

I.  See Those Who are Confused.
   A.  They are Regular People
      1.  They are Men and Women Like Us
      2.  They have Passions Like Us

They are just like us.

   B.  They are Religious People
      1.  They have Religious Advantages
         a.  They have the Word of God
         b.  They have their religious traditions
         c.  They have their godly history

      So do we.

      2.  They have Religious Education
         a.  They know a Messiah will come
         b.  They expect a Messiah will come
         c.  They were taught how Messiah would come.

      So do we.

      3.  They have Religious Experience
         a.  They have observed circumcision
         b.  They have received ceremonial washings
         c.  They have participated in synagogue services
         d.  They have joined in annual festivals.

      So do we.

   C.  They Do NOT KNOW GOD (28b)


II.  See the Evidences of Their Condition
   A.  They Consider Others and Not Themselves (25-26)

   B.  They Consider Their Knowledge Superior to God's Word (27)

   C.  They Responded to Jesus with Disregard (30)

   D.  They are Waiting for Something More (31)

   E.  Their Faith is NOT Saving Faith (31)

Is our faith saving faith?  Do we know Him?

Monday, May 16, 2011

"Several Shades of Pride": A Sermon Outline for Sunday, May 15, 2011

Several Shades of Pride
John 7:14-24

Proposition:  We, like the crowd in Jerusalem that day, are often blind to the pride in our own lives and require the word of God to reveal it and remove it.

Transition:  The pride in our life is frequently seen in our attitudes.  4 such attitudes are revealed in our text.

I.  We Have Pride in Our Education (vv. 14-16)  
   A.  Our Pride May Be in Formal Education
   B.  Our Pride May Be in Informal Education
   C.  Our Education, Formal or Informal, Should Bring Glory to God

II.  We Have Pride in Our Teaching (vv. 17-18)
   A.  Our Pride Leads Us to Teach Our Understanding of Scripture as the Only Truth
   B.  Our Pride Leads Us to Teach So We Glorify Ourselves
   C.  Our Teaching Should Seek God's Glory

III.  We Have Pride in Our Religion (vv. 19-23)
   A.  Our Pride Blinds Us to Our Sin (vv. 19-20)
   B.  Our Pride Causes Us to Rebel When Called a Sinner (v. 20)
   C.  Our Pride Leads Us to Lie When Our Sin is Confronted (vv. 20)
   D.  Our Pride Reveals We Cling to Religious Tradition (vv. 21-23)

IV.  We Have Pride in Our Judgment (v. 24)
   A.  Our Pride Judges Outwardly
   B.  Let Us Judge Righteously

Monday, May 9, 2011


There will be a WII Fellowship on Saturday, May 21 at the church.  The fellowship begins at 11 a.m. and will conclude around 2 p.m. 

Those attending are asked to bring sides (chips, etc.) and drinks.  The church will be grilling as part of the event.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"Times and Division": A Sermon Outline for Sunday, May 1, 2011

“Times and Division”
John 7:1-13

Proposition:  As followers of Christ, we must commit to follow God’s way for each of our lives.
Transition:  I want us to consider these 2 ways, the way of the world and the way of the Lord, and exhort you to remain faithful to Christ.

I.  Let Us Avoid the Way of the World.
A.  The World’s Way is Self-Centered.  (vv. 3-4)    
     B.  The World’s Way is by Spectacle.  (vv. 3-4)          
C.  The World’s Way is Strategic.   (vv. 2-3)
D.  The World’s Way Appears Spiritual. (vv. 2-5)
E.  The World’s Way is Sinful. (v. 7)

II.  Let Us Pursue the Way of the Lord.
A.  Live for God When the World Reacts.  (v. 1)
    1.  Some will reject you. (v. 1)
    2.  Some will tempt you. (vv. 2-5)
    3.  Some will hate you.  (v. 7)
    4.  Some will threaten you. (v. 1)
B.  Live for God As He Directs.
    1.  Follow His Schedule (vv. 6, 8, 10)
    2.  Follow His Plan (v. 10)
    3.  Live for Him, not for Self.