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Bethesda Baptist Church Logo

Monday, April 25, 2011

"This Jesus": A Sermon Outline for Sunday, April 24, 2011

“This Jesus”
Acts 2:32

Proposition:  Let us live our lives in the shadow of Christ’s resurrection.
Transition:  Here we see 4 ways we should live our lives in light of Christ’s resurrection.

I.  Let Us Live Confident Lives.
A.  This Jesus is the Jesus of Nazareth. (22)    
     B.  This Jesus is the Jesus from David. (30)      
C.  This Jesus is the Jesus Crucified. (23)
D.  This Jesus is the Jesus Raised.

II.  Let Us Live Holy Lives.
     A.  His Work was a Sinless Life.
B.  His Work was a Substitute Death.
     C.  His Work was a Spiritual Transformation.

III.  Let Us Live Expectant Lives.
A.     We Will Be Raised.
     B.  We Will Have Perfection.
          1.  We will have perfect bodies.
2.  We will have perfect souls.
C.  We Will Have Eternal Fellowship.

IV.  Let Us Live Evangelistic Lives.
     A.  We Have Witnessed His Promises:  Let Us Tell Others.
     B.  We Have Witnessed His Power:  Let Us Tell Others.
     C.  We Have Witnessed His Purpose:  Let Us Tell Others.

Monday, April 18, 2011

"To Whom Shall We Go?": A Sermon Outline for Sunday, April 17, 2011

“To Whom Shall We Go?”
John 6:66-71

Proposition:  We must respond in one way or another to Jesus Christ and the Gospel.
Transition:  Our text this morning provides an example of 4 possible responses to a call from the Lord..

I.  Some Respond to Christ with Desertion. (v. 66)
A.  Note Who These People Are.
    1.  Those who have witnessed the works of Christ.
         2.  Those who have heard the words of Christ.
         3.  Those who have learned at the feet of Christ.
         4.  Those who have followed the way of Christ.    
    B.  Note What These People Have Done.
         1.  They left.
         2.  The left CHRIST.
         3.  They resumed their former lives.
         4.  They deserted for good.  
C.  Note Why These People Deserted.
    1.  Some doctrines they did not understand.
    2.  Some doctrines they did not like.
    3.  Some doctrines they did not believe.
II.  Some Respond to Christ with Deliberation.  (v. 67)
     A.  See Who are Questioned.
         1.  They are the committed ones.
         2.  They are the chosen ones.
         3.  They are the central ones.
B.  Hear What They are Asked.
         1.  It is a personal question.
         2.  It is a probing question.
3.  It is a promising question.

III.  Some Respond to Christ with Devotion. (vv. 68-69)
A.     They Perceive Who Jesus Is. (68)
1.  He is superior in position.
2.  He is superior in provision.
    B.  They Profess Who Jesus Is. (69)
         1.  Their profession is rooted in trust.
2.  Their profession is rooted in knowledge.
3.  Their profession is rooted in truth.

IV.  Some Respond to Christ with Deception. (vv. 70-71)
    A.  Such Deceivers Appear Close to Christ. (70)
    B.  Such Deceivers Remain Close to Christ. (70-71)
    C.  Such Deceivers are Servants of the Devil. (70)
    D.  Such Deceivers are Known by Christ. (71)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Easter Schedule

Come join us celebrating our Lord's resurrection!

Sunday, April 24:

7:00 - Sunrise service with brother Rick Bunch preaching the Word of God.
8:00 - Breakfast provided by the men of the church.
9:15 - Sunday School / Bible Study for all ages.
10:30 - Morning worship with music, a message from the Scriptures, and the Lord's Supper


This Sunday, April 17, following the morning worship service will be our “Easter Potluck”.  Please bring a main dish, a drink, and a dessert to share.  Even if you are unable to bring food, PLEASE plan on staying and joining us in eating and fellowshipping. 

 Also, we can use some more plastic eggs filled with candy for our egg hunt for the kids as part of the fellowship.  Please bring them with you Sunday.

"My Words are Spirit and Life": A Sermon Outline for Sunday, April 10, 2011

“My Words are Spirit and Life”
John 6:60-65

Proposition:  True religion is an inward, spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ.
Transition:  The passage for this morning teaches us 4 facts concerning true religion.

I.  True Religion is Disturbing to Man. (vv. 60-65)
A.  We Have Our Own Views of Religion. (60)    
     B.  Our Views are Confronted by Christ’s Words. (60)
C.  The Lord Knows Our Hearts. (61)
D.  Holding Onto Our Views Leads to Sin. (61-62)
II.  True Religion is Found in Christ. (v. 63)
     A.  True Religion is Not in Externals.
B.  True Religion is Spiritual.
          1.  We Must Be Born by the Spirit.
2.  We Must Worship in the Spirit.
3.  We Must Live by the Spirit.
     C.  True Religion is Found in Christ’s Words.

III.  True Religion is Received by Faith. (v. 64)
A.     Some with Jesus Do Not Believe.
1.  You likely are deceiving others.
2.  You likely are deceiving yourself.
3.  You cannot deceive Christ.
     B.  True Religion Must be Believed.
         1.  It is a Personal Act.
         2.  It is a Responsible Act.
         3.  It is a Necessary Act.

IV.  True Religion is Given by God. (v. 65)
     A.  Ultimately, We Do Not Have Faith to Believe.
     B.  The One Who Believes is a Choice of the Father.
     C.  Such Faith is a Gift of God.
     D.  Your Faith and Your Coming is to Christ.
         1.  To come to Christ is to leave all else.
         2.  You come to Christ and not someone or something else.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Bethesda Baptist Night with the River City Rascals

Tickets are now available from Sandy Brandel for the Friday evening, June 24 baseball game between the River City Rascals and the Florence Freedom.  The game will be at the  T. R. Hughes ballpark in O’Fallon at 7:05p.m.  Tickets are only $10 a piece and will be sold on a first come, first served basis.  Please see Sandy if you want to purchase tickets.

"True Food and True Drink": A Sermon Outline for Sunday, April 3, 2011

“True Food and True Drink”
John 6:48-59

Proposition:  The nourishment our soul requires is to be found only in one person:  the Lord Jesus Christ.
Transition:  This great truth is presented to us in our text today in 3 stages.

I.  Jesus Proclaims the Truth. (vv. 48-51)
A.  The Lord Declares. (48)
     1.  He Alone is the Source of Life.
     2.  He Alone is Nourishment for the Living.
     B.  The Lord Compares. (49-50)      
C.  The Lord Prepares. (51)
     1.  He teaches us concerning His Person.
a.  He is Divine.
b.  He is Human.
          2.  He teaches us concerning His Work.
              a.  He will give His life.
              b.  He will give for the world.
          3.  He teaches us concerning Our Response.
II.  Jews Complain About the Truth. (v. 52)
     A.  It is a Serious Complaint.
     B.  It is a Selfish Complaint.
     C.  It is a Scornful Complain.
         1.  They won’t use His name.
         2.  They question His ability.
     D.  It is a Stupid Complaint.

III.  Jesus Explains the Truth.  (vv. 53-58)
A.     Note the Importance. (53a)
B.     Note the Meaning. (53-54)
1.  Eating & drinking Christ requires us to believe.
a.  We must believe in the person of Christ.
b.  We must believe in the death of Christ.
2.  Eating & drinking Christ requires us to receive Him.
3.  Eating & drinking Christ requires us to assimilate Him.
4.  Eating & drinking Christ is a daily affair.
C.     Note the Reality. (55)
D.  Note the Consequence. (53)
E.  Note the Promises. (54, 56)
1.  He promises eternal life.
2.  He promises resurrection.
3.  He promises we abide in Him.
4.  He promises He abides in us.