“Answering the Question”
John 10:30
Proposition: Jesus is not some man simply chosen and anointed by God to be the deliverer of the Jews but much, much more.
Transition: Jesus’ answer clearly reveals 4 truths concerning His identity.
I. He is the Focus. (“I”)
II. He is a Man. (“I”)
III. He is With the Father. (“I and the Father are”)
IV. They are One. (“one”)
A. They are One in Their Care of the Sheep.
1. They agree on those given by the Father.
2. They agree on the Son redeeming those given.
3. They agree on the Spirit regenerating those given.
4. They agree on preserving those given.
B. They are One in Their Power.
C. They are One in Their Authority.
D. They are One in Their Nature.