Who’s Your Daddy?
John 8:39-47
Proposition: It is absolutely essential that our security and our assurance that we are children of God be found in Christ and Christ alone.
Transition: Christ provides us with 5 evidences that you are a child of God.
I. Children of God Do the Works of Abraham. (vv. 39-41a)
A. The Works of Man Provide Nothing.
B. The Works of Abraham Provide Assurance.
II. Children of God Love Jesus. (vv. 41b-42)
A. If You Truly Love Him You Obey Him.
B. If You Truly Love Him You Imitate Him.
C. If You Truly Love Him You Love Those Who are His.
III. Children of God Hear Christ’s Words. (vv. 43, 47)
A. Children of God Hear the Word.
B. Children of God Understand the Word.
IV. Children of God Share the Father’s Desires. (v. 44)
A. They Desire Righteousness.
B. They Desire Mercy.
C. They Desire We Walk Humbly with God.
V. Children of God Believe in Jesus. (vv. 45-46)
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