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Bethesda Baptist Church Logo

Monday, March 28, 2011

"Grumble!": A Sermon Outline for Sunday, March 27, 2011

John 6:41-47

Proposition:  Grumbling against God reveals a nature which must be changed by God.
Transition:  I will make  3 observations  on this matter of spiritual grumbling.

I.  Observe the Reality of Their Grumbling (vv. 41-43)
A.  Their Grumbling is Constant (41)
     B.  Their Grumbling is Christ-Centered (41-42)
  1. They are upset about His person.
  2. They are upset about his provision.    
C.  Their Grumbling is Conceited (43)
II.  Observe the Root of Their Grumbling (v. 44)
     A.  They are Not Willing to Come
 1.  He has given signs.
 2.  He has spoken truth.
B.  They are Not Able to Come

III.  Observe the Remedy for Their Grumbling (vv. 45-47)
A.     The Prescription which they Require
1.  They must be drawn by the Father
2.  They must learn from the Father
3.  They must come to Christ
B.     The Prognosis which they Receive
1.  They have eternal life
2.  They will be raised by Christ

Monday, March 21, 2011

"Salvation and the Father's Will": A Sermon Outline for Sunday, March 20, 2011

“Salvation and the Father’s Will”
John 6:38-40

Proposition:  Let us rejoice and take comfort in knowing salvation is the will of the Father.
Transition:  Our text presents 3 evidences  that salvation is the Father’s will.

I.  The Father’s Will is Evident in the Purpose of the Savior.  (v. 38).
A.  The Son’s Purpose is a Divine One.
     B.  The Son’s Purpose is a Humble One.
     C.  The Son’s Purpose is an Obedient One
     D.  The Son’s Purpose is a Saving One.
II.  The Father’s Will is Evident in the Provision of Salvation.  (v. 39).
     A.  The Father has Chosen Some to Receive Salvation.
1.  Election involves individuals.
2.  Election is the Father’s work.
3.  Election is eternal.
4.  Election is grounded in Christ.
B.  The Son Preserves the Chosen.
C.  The Son Will Raise the Chosen.

III.  The Father’s Will is Evident in the Promise of Salvation.  (v. 40).
A.     The Gift Promised is Eternal Life.
B.     The Gift is for Those who Believe.
C.     The Gift is Grounded in the Son.
D.  The Gift is not Limited.

Monday, March 14, 2011

"Seeing is NOT Believing": A Sermon Outline for Sunday, March 13, 2011

“Seeing is NOT Believing”
John 6:36-37

Proposition:  Faith never begins with the eyes of man but with the grace of God.
Transition:  This wonderful truth is clearly taught by Christ in our text with 2 truths  He shares with us.

I.  The Character of Man is Miserable (v. 36).
A.  Observe Their Advantages.
     1.  Their Eyes Have Seen.
2.  Their Ears Have Heard.
3.  Their Legs Have Followed.
4.  Their Mouths Have Professed.
5.  Their Minds Have Considered.
    B.  Observe Their Actions.
          1.  They Demand More (see v. 30)
2.  They Fail to Believe.
II.  The Care of God is Marvelous (v. 37).
    A.  The Son’s Care is Seen in His Conserving.
B.  The Spirit’s Care is Seen in His Converting.
C.  The Father’s Care is Seen in His Choosing.

Monday, March 7, 2011

"The Bread of Life": A Sermon Outline for Sunday, March 6, 2011

“The Bread of Life”
John 6:35

Proposition:  Jesus Christ alone provides what our souls desperately require.
Transition:  Let us see our Lord’s provision by concentrating on 3 aspects  of His remarks in this text.

I.  Jesus Makes a Personal Claim (“I am the bread of life”)
A.  He Claims to be Bread.
       1.  Bread is necessary.
       2.  Bread is suited for all classes.
       3.  Bread is needed daily.
       4.  Bread is a reminder of Him.
     B.  He Claims to be the Bread of Life
     C.  He Claims to be the Only Bread of Life
     D.  He Claims to be the Divine Bread of Life
II.  Jesus Makes a Public Call (“come”, “believe”)
     A.  This Call is for Anyone and Everyone (“whoever”)
B.  This Call has One End, namely Christ.
C.  This Call has One Goal stated Two Ways
  1.  You MUST COME

III.  Jesus Makes a Promised Conclusion (“not hunger”, “never thirst”)
A.  Those Who Don’t Come, Hunger and Thirst
B.  Those Who Come Will Be Satisfied