“Those are Fighting Words”
John 10:19-21
Proposition: When we share the words of Jesus with unbelievers, there will be a response.
Transition: From our text this morning I make 3 observations on the responses of unbelievers to the words of Jesus.
I. His Words Will Provoke Division. (v. 19)
A. This Division is Two-Fold.
1. His Words naturally divide believers and unbelievers.
2. His Words also divides unbelievers.
B. This Division is Persistent.
C. This Division is the Result of His Words.
II. His Words Will Bring Rejection. (v. 20)
A. This Rejection is by the Majority.
B. This Rejection is Manifested as a Character Attack.
1. Some will attack His existence.
2. They attack His Spirit.
3. They attack His Person.
C. This Rejection is a Refusal to Listen.
III. His Words Will Raise Questions. (v. 21)
A. Some Will Wonder.
B. Some Words Attract Them.
C. His Work Impresses Them.