“This Jesus”
Acts 2:32
Proposition: Let us live our lives in the shadow of Christ’s resurrection.
Transition: Here we see 4 ways we should live our lives in light of Christ’s resurrection.
I. Let Us Live Confident Lives.
A. This Jesus is the Jesus of Nazareth. (22)
B. This Jesus is the Jesus from David. (30)
C. This Jesus is the Jesus Crucified. (23)
D. This Jesus is the Jesus Raised.
II. Let Us Live Holy Lives.
A. His Work was a Sinless Life.
B. His Work was a Substitute Death.
C. His Work was a Spiritual Transformation.
III. Let Us Live Expectant Lives.
A. We Will Be Raised.
B. We Will Have Perfection.
1. We will have perfect bodies.
2. We will have perfect souls.
C. We Will Have Eternal Fellowship.
IV. Let Us Live Evangelistic Lives.
A. We Have Witnessed His Promises: Let Us Tell Others.
B. We Have Witnessed His Power: Let Us Tell Others.
C. We Have Witnessed His Purpose: Let Us Tell Others.