Warning, Walking, Weary, and Well
John 4:1-6
Proposition: Our Savior's humanity enables Him to relate to and sympathize with our experiences.
Transition: Our text clearly reveals Christ's humanity by showing 5 characteristics our Lord shares with us.
I. Like Us, Jesus Learned (v. 1)
A. He Learned from His Parents
B. He Learned from His Teachers
C. He Learned from His Experiences
D. He Learned from God and His Word
II. Like Us, Jesus Had Relationships (vv. 1-2)
A. He Had Friends
B. He Had Followers
C. He Had Foes
III. Like Us, Jesus Had Goals & Limitations (vv. 3-5)
A. What of His Goals? (v. 3)
B. What of His Limitations? (vv. 4-5)
IV. Like Us, Jesus Had Suffering (v. 6)
A. He Suffered Physically
B. He Suffered Mentally
V. Like Us, Jesus Had Purpose (v. 4)